Local/League Rules + Pace of Play Tips

Grand Haven Golf Club Local Rules

Updated and Revised on September 6, by the Rules Committee

Penalty Areas on Cart Paths

If your ball is across the Red Penalty Area marking but still touching any part of the cart path you are entitled to relief from the cart path.

Hole #3

If uncertain whether a tee shot is in the Red Penalty Area lying between the tee and the fairway or if it is likely to be in the penalty but may be lost or unplayable, a provisional ball may be played from the tee or dropped in the designated drop area. The player must declare the ball as Provisional. If the original ball is found in the penalty area within the 3-minute search time, the player may either play the ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally.

Hole #8

If uncertain whether a ball has entered the Yellow Penalty Area on the far side of the green and may be lost or unplayable, a provisional ball may be put into play before going forward to search for the ball.  The player must declare the ball Provisional. If the original ball is found, the player may either play the ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally.

Holes #10 and #18

The out-of-bounds stakes between holes #10 and #18 only apply for the play of hole #10. Stakes are deemed immovable obstructions during the play of the 18th hole. 

Holes #12 and #16

The area between the holes separated by the cart path is defined as a waste area. 

Hole #16

The inside edge of the Community walk path is considered out of bounds.

Temporary Rules Adopted for GHWGA League Play

GHWGA Temporary League Rules – Approved 1/25/22

Relief for Ball in Sod Seams

If a player’s ball lies in or touches a seam of newly planted sod (particularly around the bunkers) or the seam interferes with the intended line of swing, free relief is allowed by dropping a ball in the nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole.  Relief is not allowed if the sod seam interferes only with the player’s stance.  The player may clean her ball when taking relief under this rule.

Relief for Ball in Tire Track on the Fairway

If a player’s ball lies in or touches a tire track on the fairway of the hole being played, free relief is allowed by dropping a ball in the nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole.  Relief is not allowed if the tire track interferes with the player’s stance or intended line of swing.  The player may clean her ball when taking relief under this rule.

Damage to Greens

We have a couple of greens that have damage in various states of repair. The damaged areas appear as a patchwork of sod and are easily recognizable. If you are on the green and your ball rests on one of these areas or the area is in your path to the hole, you may place the ball on the nearest point of complete relief no close to the hole. Please note this only applies if you are on the green.

 Pace of Play

The GHWGA strives to offer an enjoyable and competitive golf experience for all players.  Its objective is to complete league play in 4 hours (or less) for 4-somes and less than 4 hours when playing in 3-somes.  As a general rule, always strive to stay with the group in front.  Do not worry about the groups behind unless there is one hole (or more) open in front of your group.

Here are a few tips provided by the USGA:

  1. Always be ready to play and play “Ready Golf” unless it is Match Play. In Match Play, opponents may agree to play out of turn to speed up play, but this is a shot-by-shot decision.

  2. Play as soon as it is safe to do so.

  3. The first person to the tee may hit first (except in Match Play unless agreed).

  4. Hit your own ball before helping to search for someone else’s unless your ball is much further forward.

  5. When sharing a cart, use the buddy system.  Do not wait in the cart while your cart-mate hits and then drive to your ball.  Either take the cart or walk to your ball with your measuring device and a few clubs and once your cart-mate hits, she can walk or drive to you. 

  6. Putt when you are ready and there is no interference by other balls (except in Match Play unless agreed).

  7. Put clubs away at the next stop or on the next tee.

  8. Mark scores at the next tee.